Sunday, December 27, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Thursday, December 3, 2009
The Birth of Ayasha
(Copyright 2 December, 2009 TCO)
Sam and Emily's baby has arrived!
Carlisle: *kneels down next to Emily, pressing lightly on her abdomen* I'm going to examine you again, same as last time, ok?
Sam: -holding your hand still I kneel back down beside you-
Emily: -nods as I stare into your eyes, trying to remember to breathe-
Carlisle: Breathe Emily
Emily: -inhales deeply as I look at Carlisle-
Carlisle: *examines her and smiles* Good girl, those contractions are doing their job. You're at 9 Centimeteres - one to go
Sam: Come on baby, breathe.
Becca: -smiles- u so close emi so close, soon we will see seamonkey and u are doing great
Emily: -looking back over at you about to smile, as another intense contractions builds. Pressing down on my stomach as my back spasms with pain I cry out loudly as I cluth desperately at you-
Carlisle: Just Breathe Emily
Sam: Baby it's gonna be alright -clutching onto your hand-
Emily: -breathing as I fix my eyes on you, holding your gaze trying to find the support to get throught this- Agghh I really need to push- I cry out as the pain intensifies-
Sam: -seeing you focus on me I look back into your eyes- Focus here dear breathe for me
Carlisle: No Emily do NOT push
Emily: -crying as the pressure builds in my stomach-
Carlisle: It's not time, breathe..... concentrate on your breathing.
Sam: Breathe with me dear -I inhale then exhale slowly-
Emily: -nods at Carlisle as I takle another deep breath in, then exhaling slowly-
Carlisle: *gently rubs emily's abdomen whispering encouragement* Sweetheart concentrate on your breathing.
Emily: -crying as I try to breath through this contractions the need to push unbearable-
Carlisle: *feels her abdomen is rock hard* Breathe short breaths now do NOT push
Sam: Youre doing good dear
Emily: -nods again and draws in a short breath-
Carlisle: Short panting breaths
Emily: -continue to draw in short sharp panting breaths, my eyes fixed on Sam as the pain eases-my body relaxing slightly-
Carlisle: Emily you're doing great.Breathe easy sweetheart *rubs her abdomen*
Becca: -looks at emily- you are doing so well girl almost there
Carlisle: *Examines her again, Smiles and looks at Becca and nods* Emily, it's time to push
Emily: what
Carlisle: NO.....Wait for the contraction
Emily: ok
Carlisle: Becca take her knee
Emily: -I try and focus on my breathing-
Carlisle: Sam take her other knee
Becca: -stands closer to doc and take emi knee-
Carlisle: *watches Emily and puts a cool cloth on her forehead*
Sam: -moves closer down and holds emily's knee-
Emily: -tears streaming down my face as i feel the pressure building-
Sam: -holding your hand still I see tears stream down your face-
Emily: -the pressure building as I sueeze desperately at your hand, crying out in pain- Carlisle I want to push
Becca: -looks at emi- this is it girl u can do this u doing grest
Carlisle: ok sweetheart push, you're doing great
Sam: Baby you are doing great -squeezing your hand-
Emily: Oh God Sam...I can’t do this…-as I push with all my might- Please make this stop…Aaaaaggghhhh –As I take a deep breath, trying to see through the pain,Fixing my eyes on yours. -Concentrating on your eyes. Needing you to get me through this, I hold your anxious gaze, as I dig my fingers into your warm skin- Sam –I breathe, pleading with you-
Sam: you can do this! -looking you in the eyes-
Carlisle: Ok ready Emily? Push again. Take a deep breath...Bear down, Emily good deep breath and push!
Emily: -scream out in pain as I clutch despeartely at you, pulling your hand towards me as I push-
Sam: breath dear!
Emily: Sam, god this is all your fault!!!! - i scream as the pain takes control of my body-
Carlisle: *Checks Emily again and sees that the baby is breech* STOP ! STOP PUSHING
Emily: -panic floods my body as I hear those words- Why Whats wrong
Sam: -squeezing your hand-
Carlisle: The baby is breech i need to turn it
Becca: -looks at carlilse- what can we do. emi dont worry its going to be okay, sqeeuzing ur hand
Emily: -digging my fingers into your hand to fight the urge to push- You what Carlisle...But...Whats wrong,...how can we
Sam: -my eyes sadden- just hang in there dear take a deep breathe
Carlisle: I have to try to turn the baby
Emily: -crying as the situation overwhelms me and the need to puch intensifies even greater-
Becca: -its okay emi- looks at carlisle
Emily: But carlisle...
Sam: emily focus here -looking into your eyes-
Carlisle: *Pushes down on Emilys abdomen forcefully as I try to turn the baby*
Emily: -crying harder as I turn back to look at you. Needing you to get me through this- Gggrrrrraaaaahhhh –I cry out as I brace myself against you, gripping desperately to you as I plead with my body not to push one last time-
Sam: I'm here dear just hold on to me
Carlisle: *looks into Emily's eyes* Please.. do NOT push.....Emily please
Emily: -nods as I glance at Carlsile and then turning back to you- Please -i cry out- make this stop
Sam: hold on to me emily! squeeze my hand as hard as you can
Carlisle: *Presses down hard on her abdomen with my right hand while trying to turn the baby with my left hand*
Emily: -screaming at the intensity of the pain I clutch despearately at you- Please make it stop
Sam: focus here emily! look into my eyes and breathe
Emily: Sam please help me -screaming even louder as I hold onto you-
Carlisle: *stares into emily's eyes, trying to calm her* I know and I'm sorry I'm hurting you
Becca: -Holds on to emily's knee- emi u need to calm and just focus on sam
Carlisle: *Gets a good grip on the baby and is able to turn it*
Sam: I'm here breathe for me
Carlisle: I got it. I got it
Emily: -cries uncontrolably as I nod at Carlisle- Please please please
Becca: breathe emi just breath u doing great
Emily: -crying out again as the need to push overwhelms me-
Carlisle" *looks up at Sam, nodding* It's ok yes emily push
Emily: Can I push Carlisle- I cry, looking at carlisle- thank god.
Carlisle: *smiles* I can see the head. Sam!! Come here
Sam: -moves to carlisle's side-
Emily: -screaming as I grab despeartly at your hands pulling them towards me as I push-
Carlisle: *speaks softly* your baby's head, Sam
Sam: -smiling- Emily! our baby's head
Emily: -crying as I hear Carlisle-
Sam: -reaching back I grip your hand-
Emily: -breathing in deeply as I try and center myself-
Carlisle: Rest emily, save your energy, you are going to need it.
Becca: almost done emi almost done - as i look at your tired face-
Emily: -letting my head fall against you I cry in relief, pain joy, the emmotions alll mixed together as I cry into your chest trying to relax-
Becca: -takes a cool cloth and puts it on emily's head- u go girl u doing awesome
Emily: Thanks Bec- the coldness of the cloth soothing me-
Becca: glad i am here, it's my pleasure
Sam: -moving back up toward emily I lightly stroke your cheek- You're doing great dear.
Carlisle: You're almost there
Emily: -crying as i look into your eye- Im sorry for screaming at you
Sam: It's okay dear. It's okay.
Emily: I couldnt do this with out you - i cry as I kiss your hand-
Sam: Im here for you
Emily: -taking in a deep breath- Im so scared,- as I gaze into your eyes-
Sam: Don't be scared you're doing great. Not much longer now. You've done an amazing job so far.
Becca: -gives your face another wipe- u have and so did u sam.
Emily: -smiles weakly at you as I take a deep breath-
Emily: -glances up at Bec- Thank you for being here with us
Sam: Thanks becca but really it's all been emily
Emily: -grabing desperately at your hand as I feel the pressure and pain building in my stomach I cry out in pain-
Carlisle: *watches Emilys face go from peace to pain, rubbing her abdomen gently encouraging her to push* PUSH...thats it good... good
Emily: -digging my fingers into your hand as I brace myself against you pushing despearately as I cry out in pain-
Carlisle: That's it!! good girl *smiles* Here comes the head*
Emily: -screams as I continue to push-
Carlisle: *gently guides teh baby's head out*
Becca: emi its coming i can see the baby -getting very excited-
Carlisle: Take a deep breath and bear down
Emily: -crying in ragged breathes as I try to take a deep breath and bear down-
Carlisle: Thats it doing great, Emily.
sam: come on you can do it
Emily: please get it out - crying pushing-
Carlisle: *slides my fingers around the baby's neck to make room for the shoulders*
Becca: almost emi so close
Emily: -screams as I pull your hands to me braceing against you-
Carlisle: *speaks softly* Emily concentrate and bear down
Sam: almost there
Emily: -trying to concentrate on Carlisle, I bear down-
Carlisle: *Nods* yes.. you're doing wonderfully...Look at me ok? your baby is coming
Sam: look at carlisle
Emily: -crying as I nod, unable to find any words-
Carlisle: *slides my fingers around the shoulders as they slide out* Almost there, sweetheart, gentle pushing...easy Emily
Emily: -pushes again at Carlisle's request-
Carlisle: Sam come here *smiles softly* I want you to do this
Sam: -Letting go of emily's hand I move toward carlisle-
Emily: -grabs for Becs hand as Sam lets go of me-
Carlisle: *Stands next to Sam* This is your baby, I want you to do this
Sam: okay -takes a a deep breath-
Carlisle: Next contraction is it emily
Emily: -grabbing desperately at Becs hand, squeezing-
Carlisle: *rubs Emily's leg softly encouraging her* Emily it's time to push
Sam: come on dear push
Emily: -screams out as I push desperately
Carlisle: Gently
Sam: Emily here it somes sweetheart
Emily: -crying as I continue to push- Please now
Carlisle: *Nods to Sam to catch the baby as Emily's last push gently sends the baby into his arms*
Emily: -looking over at Bec my eyes searching hers for help-
Becca: just breath..i am here dont worry
Sam: okay. -looking at Carlisle-
Emily: -breathing deeply as I look back at Sam-
Carlisle: It's ok sam
Sam: -holding the baby I place it gently on her chest-
Emily: -takes a deep breath-
Carlisle: *grabs a towel and starts rubbing the baby's back until it starts crying*
Sam: -lets go of your hand-
Carlisle: *picks the baby up off Emily's chest and turns it over*
Emily: -crying in joy as I watch our baby-
Carlisle: *smiles wide* Sam... Emily, Congratulations on your baby girl.
Sam: A girl. Emily.
Emily: -looking at you crying- We have a girl
Sam: -smiles- coming around the couch to place a kiss on your forehead-
Carlisle: *holds the baby up after I clean her off*
Sam: Look emily.
Emily: -crying in amazement looking back over at you- she's ours
Carlisle: Shes perfect
Sam: Yes, shes perfect
Carlisle: Sam?
Sam: yes? -looking at dr. cullen-
Carlisle: *clamps the cord on 2 sides and hands Sams scissors* Cut the cord, son.
Sam: -holds the scissors and cuts the cord-
Emily: -tears of joy and exhuastion stream down my face-
Sam: -smiles looking at emily-
Carlisle: *cleans the umbilical cord and wraps thebaby in a blanket*
Becca: -brushes hair out of your face and gives u a kiss- Well done girl that was awesome u did so good
Carlisle: *Places the baby on Emily's chest, leans down and kisses her forehead* That was beautiful, Emily. I am so PROUD OF YOU
Emily: Thank you- I cry as I take our baby girl looking at Carlisle- thank you so much
Carlisle: *smiles, pushing her bangs off her forehead*
(Copyright 2 December, 2009 TCO)
Sam and Emily's baby has arrived!
Carlisle: *kneels down next to Emily, pressing lightly on her abdomen* I'm going to examine you again, same as last time, ok?
Sam: -holding your hand still I kneel back down beside you-
Emily: -nods as I stare into your eyes, trying to remember to breathe-
Carlisle: Breathe Emily
Emily: -inhales deeply as I look at Carlisle-
Carlisle: *examines her and smiles* Good girl, those contractions are doing their job. You're at 9 Centimeteres - one to go
Sam: Come on baby, breathe.
Becca: -smiles- u so close emi so close, soon we will see seamonkey and u are doing great
Emily: -looking back over at you about to smile, as another intense contractions builds. Pressing down on my stomach as my back spasms with pain I cry out loudly as I cluth desperately at you-
Carlisle: Just Breathe Emily
Sam: Baby it's gonna be alright -clutching onto your hand-
Emily: -breathing as I fix my eyes on you, holding your gaze trying to find the support to get throught this- Agghh I really need to push- I cry out as the pain intensifies-
Sam: -seeing you focus on me I look back into your eyes- Focus here dear breathe for me
Carlisle: No Emily do NOT push
Emily: -crying as the pressure builds in my stomach-
Carlisle: It's not time, breathe..... concentrate on your breathing.
Sam: Breathe with me dear -I inhale then exhale slowly-
Emily: -nods at Carlisle as I takle another deep breath in, then exhaling slowly-
Carlisle: *gently rubs emily's abdomen whispering encouragement* Sweetheart concentrate on your breathing.
Emily: -crying as I try to breath through this contractions the need to push unbearable-
Carlisle: *feels her abdomen is rock hard* Breathe short breaths now do NOT push
Sam: Youre doing good dear
Emily: -nods again and draws in a short breath-
Carlisle: Short panting breaths
Emily: -continue to draw in short sharp panting breaths, my eyes fixed on Sam as the pain eases-my body relaxing slightly-
Carlisle: Emily you're doing great.Breathe easy sweetheart *rubs her abdomen*
Becca: -looks at emily- you are doing so well girl almost there
Carlisle: *Examines her again, Smiles and looks at Becca and nods* Emily, it's time to push
Emily: what
Carlisle: NO.....Wait for the contraction
Emily: ok
Carlisle: Becca take her knee
Emily: -I try and focus on my breathing-
Carlisle: Sam take her other knee
Becca: -stands closer to doc and take emi knee-
Carlisle: *watches Emily and puts a cool cloth on her forehead*
Sam: -moves closer down and holds emily's knee-
Emily: -tears streaming down my face as i feel the pressure building-
Sam: -holding your hand still I see tears stream down your face-
Emily: -the pressure building as I sueeze desperately at your hand, crying out in pain- Carlisle I want to push
Becca: -looks at emi- this is it girl u can do this u doing grest
Carlisle: ok sweetheart push, you're doing great
Sam: Baby you are doing great -squeezing your hand-
Emily: Oh God Sam...I can’t do this…-as I push with all my might- Please make this stop…Aaaaaggghhhh –As I take a deep breath, trying to see through the pain,Fixing my eyes on yours. -Concentrating on your eyes. Needing you to get me through this, I hold your anxious gaze, as I dig my fingers into your warm skin- Sam –I breathe, pleading with you-
Sam: you can do this! -looking you in the eyes-
Carlisle: Ok ready Emily? Push again. Take a deep breath...Bear down, Emily good deep breath and push!
Emily: -scream out in pain as I clutch despeartely at you, pulling your hand towards me as I push-
Sam: breath dear!
Emily: Sam, god this is all your fault!!!! - i scream as the pain takes control of my body-
Carlisle: *Checks Emily again and sees that the baby is breech* STOP ! STOP PUSHING
Emily: -panic floods my body as I hear those words- Why Whats wrong
Sam: -squeezing your hand-
Carlisle: The baby is breech i need to turn it
Becca: -looks at carlilse- what can we do. emi dont worry its going to be okay, sqeeuzing ur hand
Emily: -digging my fingers into your hand to fight the urge to push- You what Carlisle...But...Whats wrong,...how can we
Sam: -my eyes sadden- just hang in there dear take a deep breathe
Carlisle: I have to try to turn the baby
Emily: -crying as the situation overwhelms me and the need to puch intensifies even greater-
Becca: -its okay emi- looks at carlisle
Emily: But carlisle...
Sam: emily focus here -looking into your eyes-
Carlisle: *Pushes down on Emilys abdomen forcefully as I try to turn the baby*
Emily: -crying harder as I turn back to look at you. Needing you to get me through this- Gggrrrrraaaaahhhh –I cry out as I brace myself against you, gripping desperately to you as I plead with my body not to push one last time-
Sam: I'm here dear just hold on to me
Carlisle: *looks into Emily's eyes* Please.. do NOT push.....Emily please
Emily: -nods as I glance at Carlsile and then turning back to you- Please -i cry out- make this stop
Sam: hold on to me emily! squeeze my hand as hard as you can
Carlisle: *Presses down hard on her abdomen with my right hand while trying to turn the baby with my left hand*
Emily: -screaming at the intensity of the pain I clutch despearately at you- Please make it stop
Sam: focus here emily! look into my eyes and breathe
Emily: Sam please help me -screaming even louder as I hold onto you-
Carlisle: *stares into emily's eyes, trying to calm her* I know and I'm sorry I'm hurting you
Becca: -Holds on to emily's knee- emi u need to calm and just focus on sam
Carlisle: *Gets a good grip on the baby and is able to turn it*
Sam: I'm here breathe for me
Carlisle: I got it. I got it
Emily: -cries uncontrolably as I nod at Carlisle- Please please please
Becca: breathe emi just breath u doing great
Emily: -crying out again as the need to push overwhelms me-
Carlisle" *looks up at Sam, nodding* It's ok yes emily push
Emily: Can I push Carlisle- I cry, looking at carlisle- thank god.
Carlisle: *smiles* I can see the head. Sam!! Come here
Sam: -moves to carlisle's side-
Emily: -screaming as I grab despeartly at your hands pulling them towards me as I push-
Carlisle: *speaks softly* your baby's head, Sam
Sam: -smiling- Emily! our baby's head
Emily: -crying as I hear Carlisle-
Sam: -reaching back I grip your hand-
Emily: -breathing in deeply as I try and center myself-
Carlisle: Rest emily, save your energy, you are going to need it.
Becca: almost done emi almost done - as i look at your tired face-
Emily: -letting my head fall against you I cry in relief, pain joy, the emmotions alll mixed together as I cry into your chest trying to relax-
Becca: -takes a cool cloth and puts it on emily's head- u go girl u doing awesome
Emily: Thanks Bec- the coldness of the cloth soothing me-
Becca: glad i am here, it's my pleasure
Sam: -moving back up toward emily I lightly stroke your cheek- You're doing great dear.
Carlisle: You're almost there
Emily: -crying as i look into your eye- Im sorry for screaming at you
Sam: It's okay dear. It's okay.
Emily: I couldnt do this with out you - i cry as I kiss your hand-
Sam: Im here for you
Emily: -taking in a deep breath- Im so scared,- as I gaze into your eyes-
Sam: Don't be scared you're doing great. Not much longer now. You've done an amazing job so far.
Becca: -gives your face another wipe- u have and so did u sam.
Emily: -smiles weakly at you as I take a deep breath-
Emily: -glances up at Bec- Thank you for being here with us
Sam: Thanks becca but really it's all been emily
Emily: -grabing desperately at your hand as I feel the pressure and pain building in my stomach I cry out in pain-
Carlisle: *watches Emilys face go from peace to pain, rubbing her abdomen gently encouraging her to push* PUSH...thats it good... good
Emily: -digging my fingers into your hand as I brace myself against you pushing despearately as I cry out in pain-
Carlisle: That's it!! good girl *smiles* Here comes the head*
Emily: -screams as I continue to push-
Carlisle: *gently guides teh baby's head out*
Becca: emi its coming i can see the baby -getting very excited-
Carlisle: Take a deep breath and bear down
Emily: -crying in ragged breathes as I try to take a deep breath and bear down-
Carlisle: Thats it doing great, Emily.
sam: come on you can do it
Emily: please get it out - crying pushing-
Carlisle: *slides my fingers around the baby's neck to make room for the shoulders*
Becca: almost emi so close
Emily: -screams as I pull your hands to me braceing against you-
Carlisle: *speaks softly* Emily concentrate and bear down
Sam: almost there
Emily: -trying to concentrate on Carlisle, I bear down-
Carlisle: *Nods* yes.. you're doing wonderfully...Look at me ok? your baby is coming
Sam: look at carlisle
Emily: -crying as I nod, unable to find any words-
Carlisle: *slides my fingers around the shoulders as they slide out* Almost there, sweetheart, gentle pushing...easy Emily
Emily: -pushes again at Carlisle's request-
Carlisle: Sam come here *smiles softly* I want you to do this
Sam: -Letting go of emily's hand I move toward carlisle-
Emily: -grabs for Becs hand as Sam lets go of me-
Carlisle: *Stands next to Sam* This is your baby, I want you to do this
Sam: okay -takes a a deep breath-
Carlisle: Next contraction is it emily
Emily: -grabbing desperately at Becs hand, squeezing-
Carlisle: *rubs Emily's leg softly encouraging her* Emily it's time to push
Sam: come on dear push
Emily: -screams out as I push desperately
Carlisle: Gently
Sam: Emily here it somes sweetheart
Emily: -crying as I continue to push- Please now
Carlisle: *Nods to Sam to catch the baby as Emily's last push gently sends the baby into his arms*
Emily: -looking over at Bec my eyes searching hers for help-
Becca: just breath..i am here dont worry
Sam: okay. -looking at Carlisle-
Emily: -breathing deeply as I look back at Sam-
Carlisle: It's ok sam
Sam: -holding the baby I place it gently on her chest-
Emily: -takes a deep breath-
Carlisle: *grabs a towel and starts rubbing the baby's back until it starts crying*
Sam: -lets go of your hand-
Carlisle: *picks the baby up off Emily's chest and turns it over*
Emily: -crying in joy as I watch our baby-
Carlisle: *smiles wide* Sam... Emily, Congratulations on your baby girl.
Sam: A girl. Emily.
Emily: -looking at you crying- We have a girl
Sam: -smiles- coming around the couch to place a kiss on your forehead-
Carlisle: *holds the baby up after I clean her off*
Sam: Look emily.
Emily: -crying in amazement looking back over at you- she's ours
Carlisle: Shes perfect
Sam: Yes, shes perfect
Carlisle: Sam?
Sam: yes? -looking at dr. cullen-
Carlisle: *clamps the cord on 2 sides and hands Sams scissors* Cut the cord, son.
Sam: -holds the scissors and cuts the cord-
Emily: -tears of joy and exhuastion stream down my face-
Sam: -smiles looking at emily-
Carlisle: *cleans the umbilical cord and wraps thebaby in a blanket*
Becca: -brushes hair out of your face and gives u a kiss- Well done girl that was awesome u did so good
Carlisle: *Places the baby on Emily's chest, leans down and kisses her forehead* That was beautiful, Emily. I am so PROUD OF YOU
Emily: Thank you- I cry as I take our baby girl looking at Carlisle- thank you so much
Carlisle: *smiles, pushing her bangs off her forehead*
(Copyright 2 December, 2009 TCO)
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